JBL Speaker GSB8

JBL GSB8 Handleiding

Hier is de JBL GSB8 (Speaker) gebruikershandleiding. 8 pagina's in taal Engels met een gewicht van 1.8 Mb. Als u geen antwoorden op uw probleem kunt vinden Vraag het onze community.

Pagina 1/8
Installation Guide
GSB8 & GSB12 -In Ground Landscape Subwoofers
CAUTION: Installation must be done by qualified persons using safe
installation standards.
The installer is responsible for proper and selection and use of hardware to
install the speakers in a safe and durable manner.
Wire Connection
CABLE-- B - 1- - - s The GS speakers come with a captive multi conductor meter long cable with bare wire end for connection via an
external installer-provided weather proof - junction box.
o Connection Method Use professional wire nuts or other safe, long- term connectors that are appropriate for the
installation conditions and that are sized properly for wire gauge(s) and number of wires to be connected for the
together in the connector.
Important: Cut off all unused wires in a way that ensures that none of them will short to any of the
other wires.
Δ Code Requirements -- Typical wiring entails - -protected connections inside installer provided water
proof junction box, with cable entering junction box via water-tight fitting that is sized appropriately for
wire jacket diameter (see However, always wire in accordance with code requirements. below).

Probleemoplossing JBL GSB8

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Merk: JBL
Categorie: Speaker
Model: GSB8

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