Samsung WW12TP84DSH Handleiding

Hier is de Samsung WW12TP84DSH (Spiegelreflexcamera) gebruikershandleiding. 2 pagina's in taal Engels met een gewicht van 0.3 Mb. Als u geen antwoorden op uw probleem kunt vinden Vraag het onze community.

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Smart Control Guide
Usage of Smart Control
Samsung Smart Home
Smart Control by Samsung Smart Home app
1. Samsung Smart Home – Register Device
Before run the app, Samsung Account is required.
AP must be connected to the external Internet. (check rewall or Internet connection of AP)
Set AP & Run App Add new device Select Washer Input AP name & pw Connect Washer Done
Select Easy Connection (AP) Done
The authentication procedure is
required just once for the rst
If your Washer has an LCD screen, go to Settings, and select and
activate Easy Connection.
If your Washer has an LED panel, press the Smart Control button
for more than three seconds until you can see AP on the display.
2. Samsung Smart Home – Control Washer
Run App Select existed washer Select Washer Launcher opens washer app Monitor washer Control Washer Done
Smart Control On Done
When Smart Control activated or the washing machine is
operating, Wi-Fi network is activated.
When Smart Control activated, you can control remotely washing
machine with other devices.
WW8500WW7500WW6500_SmartControl_OneSheetGuide_02.indd 3 2015-12-08  12:04:10

Probleemoplossing Samsung WW12TP84DSH

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Merk: Samsung
Categorie: Spiegelreflexcamera
Model: WW12TP84DSH

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