TCL Wasmachine FF1014WC0

TCL FF1014WC0 Handleiding

Hier is de TCL FF1014WC0 (Wasmachine) gebruikershandleiding. 48 pagina's in taal Engels met een gewicht van 4.1 Mb. Als u geen antwoorden op uw probleem kunt vinden Vraag het onze community.

Pagina 1/48
Product Information Sheet
COMMISSION DELEGATED REGULATION (EU) 2019/2014 with regard to energy labelling of
household washing machines and household washer-dryers
Supplier's name or trade mark: TCL
Supplier's address: Public and Compliance Contact, TCL Netherlands B.V., Weena 290, 3012 NJ,
Model identifier: FF1014WC0FR
General product parameters:
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Height 85
Width 60
Rated capacity(a)
10,0 Dimensions in cm
Depth 63
Energy Efficiency
Index(a) (EEIW)
69,0 Energy efficiency class(a) C
Washing efficiency
1,031 Rinsing effectiveness (g/kg)(a) 5,0
Energy consump-
tion in kWh per
cycle, based on
the eco 40-60 pro-
gramme at a com-
bination of full and
partial loads. Actu-
al energy consump-
tion will depend on
how the appliance
is used.
0,682 Water consumption in litre per
cycle, based on the eco 40-60
programme at a combination
of full and partial loads. Actu-
al water consumption will de-
pend on how the appliance is
used and on the hardness of
the water.
Half 38
Maximum temper-
ature inside the
treated textile (a)
(°C) Quarter 25
Weighted remaining moisture
content(a) (%)
1 400
Half 1 400
Spin speed(a) (rpm)
Quarter 1 400
Spin-drying efficiency class(a) B
Half 3:00
Programme dura-
tion(a) (h:min)
Quarter 3:00
Type Free-standing
Airborne acousti-
cal noise emissions
in the spinning
phase(a) (dB(A) re 1
76 Airborne acoustical noise emis-
sion class(a) (spinning phase)
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Probleemoplossing TCL FF1014WC0

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Merk: TCL
Categorie: Wasmachine
Model: FF1014WC0

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