Klein Tools VDV110-095 Handleiding

Hier is de Klein Tools VDV110-095 (Handgereedschap) gebruikershandleiding. 1 pagina's in taal Engels met een gewicht van 0.2 Mb. Als u geen antwoorden op uw probleem kunt vinden Vraag het onze community.

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Catalog No. VDV110-095
Coax Cable Radial Stripper
Klein Tools' Coax Combination Radial Stripper works on both standard and utility size cables. The durable, high-carbon steel cutting blades
automatically adjusts to the dierent cable diameters. Klein's exclusive sliding depth gauge pre-measures cable for fast, accurate and repeatable
stripping every time.
Type: Radial Stripper Application: Cable Preparation
Cable Type: RG59, RG6/6Q, RG7, RG11 Levels: 2
Strip Dimensions: 0.3125'' and 0.250'' (7.94 and 6.35 mm) Overall Length: 5.25'' (13.3 cm)
Handle Color: Yellow/Gray Weight: 1.5 oz (43 g)

Probleemoplossing Klein Tools VDV110-095

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Kleur van het product: Geel
Gewicht: 43 g
Lengte: 133 mm
Strippen capaciteit ( min): 6.4 mm
Strippen capaciteit ( max): 7.9 mm

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